Monday, February 4, 2013

Coco's Condo

Here is the final product of my most recent building.  It's a Rabbit Condo. 

Here in Japan, it's hard to find those Neat Ideea Cubes, so I went to the Daiso and found a lot of wire grids.  Each grid costs 100 Yen...  Just think, each one of the grids I got are about the size of 2 Neat Idea Cubes already put together...  This thing is massive!  Coco is living in style with 3 stories to run around in.  I even made ramps to go to each level.  The flooring is supported by dowel rods I got from the Homac.  There are hundreds of zip ties that secure the condo together!  This is a lot larger than the condo's I built for our rabbits we had back stateside.

Coco still get's run of the downstairs each day...  So he's not locked up in the condo all day long, but in the case that we get busy and something should ever happen that we can't let him out for some reason, he can still get plenty of exercise!!

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