Sunday, May 19, 2013

The "Home Zoo"

Stuffed Animals take over every one's house at some point I'm sure... Well I had an idea to help corral the animals up and still keep them accessible for the kids to play with when they wanted to!  I had seen the idea of the beanbag chairs for them, but wasn't sure that it was what we wanted...  So I thought this up and here you go...
Step 1: Went to the Homac and bought the wood...  Wood is a lot more expensive here, so I wanted to keep it small and simple...

Step 2: I screwed the large frame together, then nailed the small rectangle dowels to the frame to make it look like a cage...  Nailed on the top and bottom flats...

Step 3: Put the Zoo cage in the kids room and we placed all their stuffed animals in it that they don't want in their beds to physically sleep with each night.  Now their animals can have a safe place to hang out without being on the floor when the kids are in bed... (the stuffed animals used to cover the entirety of each bed that you wouldn't be able to find the kids if they laid in the bed under the animals!)  This idea is much better I think.  Trystian loves it!  He wanted to make sure he got in the picture!!

Another home creation I have done lately is make a cup out of mason jars for the boys...  They are long out of sippy cups, but when we have movie night with snacks and drinks, I really didn't want the kids to have open cups of liquids to spill on the carpet or couches...  so I thought of this so that they have something that is not baby like, but also good for when we go camping and stuff too to keep the bugs out!  The boys love drinking out of them now!

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