Sunday, June 30, 2013

Is it October yet?

Got a great deal with the "free ride event"!!  Bought the Britax B-ready stroller and got the Britax B-safe Carseat free!  Oh and the stroller was on sale for $356 ($499 retail) and free shipping!!  Stroller accommodates Carseat for a travel system, both the stroller seat and Carseat can face forward and face parent!  Compact fold, and excellent steering!  You can also get a second seat to attach and make this a double stroller!  Possibilities are endless!  LOVE IT! Is it October yet?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Atreyu in the kitchen!

Atreyu wanted to help me make banana bread last night...  So I had him mix it all together, he loved helping me, and especially loved eating it for breakfast the next morning.  We made 2 loaves.  One has chocolate chips and the other is just plain banana bread!  YUM!!!


Trystian started T-Ball!
He seems to like this more than soccer so far… (He hasn't wanted to flirt with the girls)… He's pretty good at throwing a ball too...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Atreyu turns 4... and more!

Okay, so I've been bad and haven't made a post recently... I've been super busy lately!  I was working 12 hour nightshifts for 2 weeks, so I'm not so happy about that!  Oh well, tis the life of the Military.

I have reached over the half way mark!  Yay!  We had our anatomy ultrasound, and we found out we are having another BOY! 

I was only given one picture... :(

 Atreyu turned 4 years old!  Wow, time flies!!  He's growing up so fast!  He got his new glasses!  He's sporting them in his black power ranger outfit with his matching black power ranger! (well, Super Sentai, since we are in Japan...)

He had a magic Schoolbus party! 

You can see how he has grown through the years here:

Ah, the sweetness of homegrown fruits and veggies!  Our garden is supplying us with very yummy goodies!!