Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cloth diapering from the start

So, it's taken me a long time to post this, actually it's been a draft for quite some time!  I've been busy...  But here are pictures of Ryder wearing different styles and brands of cloth diapers in his first 2 weeks of life.
This is Ryder in the hospital, only hours old!  He's wearing a Lil Joey with the umbilical notch snapped down.

This is Ryder at a week old also in a Lil Joey.  These diapers fit right from the start!  I love them! If and when we have another baby, I definitely want to get a few more of these!

This is an newborn Imagine diaper with the umbilical notch snapped down.  I like these, although they do wick a little due to the inner soak pad being exposed when snapped down.  They fit nicely below his umbilical stump though!

This is a Newborn BumGenius.  I like it's slim design, but because my lil guy had a tall rise, they didn't fit until he lost his umbilical stump.  This diaper only lasted about 2 months though, he started wetting too heavily to wear it without wicking his clothes.

This is a Thirsties size one with a prefold underneath.  It was a bit big, and didn't fit well until he was a few weeks old.

This is a Thirsties X-Small fitted and X-Small cover that worked really well at getting small for him to wear early on, and worked until he was about 4 months old.  It grew well with him and I never had a problem with it leaking.

This is a Rumparooz cover when Ryder was about a month old.  This diaper just didn't work for us because it didn't fit right. In order to have a prefold under I had to have the diaper fully unbuttoned for the rise.

This is the Imagine newborn diaper cover.  It got pretty small and worked well. 

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